BLended Paediatric Ofsted Early years training first aid

Blended Paediatric Emergency First Aid At Work

Blended Paediatric First Aid courses are for those who might have to identify and manage emergency situations or manage minor everyday occurrences when looking after young children. This Highfields qualification meets Ofsted requirements for those working in early years settings and uses the criteria for effective paediatric first aid training found in Appendix 1 of The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Practice Guidance document.

The current EYFS statutory framework requires at least one person who has a current paediatric first aid certificate to be on the premises or outings at all times when children are present.

Why Attend A Blended Paediatric First Aid Course?

MJH Training Ltd present an excellent interactive E learning module to work alongside face to face paediatric first aid course. It is an excellent alternative to the 2 day paediatric first aid course. The blended course is suitable for anyone that works with young children. It is a comprehensive course in two parts for professional child carers including nannies, au pairs, pre school, nursery and reception year teachers and child minders caring for children under 8. The course content meets OFSTED and Scottish requirements for first aid training in Early Years settings. Blended Paediatric training First aid is a very popular choice for those who prefer to have only one face to face training session.

There are many reasons why you might want to attend a blended Paediatric First Aid course with us in Gloucerstershire, Cheltenham, Bristol or indeed Nationwide. Typical reasons for learning first aid skills in paediatrics include:

  • You are a childcare professional, who works with children and needs a formal paediatric first aid qualification.

  • You work with children and want to have an in-depth knowledge of paediatric first aid, should an emergency situation ever arise.

Blended Paediatric First Aid Course For Professionals F.A.I.B Certified

Employers have a legal and moral responsibility to look after the health and safety of employees.

Blended Paediatric First Aid Course Content

Meets all the EYFS guidance for effective paediatric training.

  • Training is designed for workers caring for children in the absence of their parents

  • The training leading to a certificate or a renewal certificate is a minimum of 12 hours

  • The first aid certificate should be renewed every 3 years

  • Resuscitation and other equipment includes baby and junior models, as appropriate

  • Training covers appropriate contents of a first aid box for babies and children

  • Training should include recording accidents and incidents

The course covers:

  • Planning for first aid emergencies involving babies and children

  • Dealing with emergencies involving babies and children

  • Resuscitating babies and children

  • Recognising and dealing with shock in babies and children

  • Recognising and responding appropriately to anaphylactic shock in babies and children

  • Recognising and responding appropriately to electric shock in babies and children

  • Recognising and responding appropriately to bleeding in babies and children

  • Responding appropriately to burns and scalds in babies and children

  • Responding appropriately to choking in babies and children

  • Responding appropriately to suspected fractures in babies and children

  • Responding appropriately to head, neck and back injuries in babies and children

  • Recognising and responding appropriately to cases of poisoning in babies and children

  • Responding appropriately to foreign bodies in eyes, ears and noses of babies and children

  • Responding appropriately to eye injuries in babies and children

  • Responding appropriately to bites and stings in babies and children

  • Responding appropriately to the effects of extreme heat and cold in babies and children

  • Responding appropriately to febrile convulsions in babies and children

  • Recognising and responding appropriately to the emergency needs of babies and children with chronic medical conditions, including epilepsy, asthma and diabetes

  • Recognising and responding appropriately to meningitis and other serious sudden illness

  • A.E.D Training

  • Paediatric First Aid Certification / Revalidation

    On successful completion of the course, attendees will be issued with the Level 3 Award in Paediatric First Aid RQF certificate valid for 3 years. Revalidation is required every 3 years by re-attendance and successful completion of another course.

    Please note that the new current Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage now mentions that early years providers should consider whether Paediatric First Aiders need to undertake Annual Refresher training, during any three year certification period to help maintain basic skills.

    Blended Paediatric First Aid Course Cost

    On-site courses can be held at your own venue, starting from £66 pp + VAT for up to and including 12 attendees.

    Individual places on our open courses held in the South West region