The H.S.E highlights the need for Safety training

New statistics released in July 2024 by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) have revealed an increase in workplace fatal injuries and highlighted the continuing need for workplace first aid training.  

In 2023/24, 138 workers were killed in work-related accidents (RIDDOR), up from 135 fatalities the previous year. The construction sector continues to account for the greatest number of workers killed in fatal accidents – more than a third of incidents – followed by the agriculture, forestry and fishing industry. 

A significant 95% of those fatally injured were men, a similar proportion to previous years. Deaths of workers aged 60 and over again accounted for a substantial proportion of accidents, at 34 per cent. 

While the most common fatal accidents included falling from a height (50), other incidents involved being struck by a moving vehicle (25) and being struck by a moving object (20). Notably, it is not only employees affected by workplace accidents; in the last 12 months, 87 members of the public were killed in work-related incidents, highlighting the wider need for organisations to invest in both health and safety and first aid training. 

New data published this July in Health & Safety Matters shows managers and directors across UK organisations lack sufficient understanding of workplace health and safety beyond their baseline legal compliance.  

Health and safety tech provider Safe265 produced the ‘Safety Culture Maturity Report 2024’, revealing senior leadership across UK organisations only possesses a ‘basic understanding’ of safety and risk management. The report assessed data across ten key health and safety modules, highlighting an average maturity score of just 44% in risk management expertise. SMEs were found to be 17% less prepared to deal with emergencies than their larger counterparts 

Workplace first aid training equips employees with the skills, knowledge and confidence to act in an emergency, and requires buy-in from inter-sectional leadership to keep workplaces and the public safe. 

Training first aiders will not directly prevent accidents, but evidence has shown that it fosters a culture of safety which encourages all employees to work more safely.  Having appropriately trained first aiders available to attend immediately when an accident occurs can help to prevent worsening of injuries and lead to better recovery rates for anyone who is hurt.   

MJH Training Ltd offers a wide range of health and safety and first aid at work courses to help prevent workplace accidents from occurring and build the skillset to help in those crucial moments when emergency strikes, whatever your organisation’s requirements. 

Explore our range of workplace health and safety and first aid courses.

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